If you live in New York City and are a fan of the TV show Friends, then, these past few weeks have been a dream come true for you. To celebrate the show’s 20th anniversary, Eight O’Clock Coffee and Warner Brothers are running a month-long pop-up Central Perk, the coffeehouse hang out of […]

Flight of the Conchords: The Funniest Musical Duo Ever
by Injanajone on April 7, 2014 in Music, TV
I was recently persuaded by a fellow geek to watch the 2007 HBO series Flight of the Conchords and I’m glad I gave in. It is THE funniest show I have ever seen in my entire life (sorry, Friends). The show starred real-life, two-man, comedic New Zealand band Flight of the Conchords, consisting of Jemaine […]
by Injanajone on March 21, 2014 in Movies, TV
With the success of the crowdfunding system, my ultimate favorite-but-cancelled-after-three-seasons television show finally came back to life! On its opening day on March 14, 2014, I rushed to the cinema to watch Veronica Mars, a movie I had been dying to see since I found out about its production. Sure, it’s not as big as […]

Remembering Tom & Katie
by jokway on June 30, 2012 in Movies, TV
Does everyone remember when Tom Cruise publicly declared his love for “Dawson’s Creek” star, Katie Holmes? Well, they’re getting divorced now. Tom, Katie: we’re sorry this had to happen. Divorce strikes yet another Hollywood power couple. But don’t forget that there were good times. Like when the curvaceous Oprah dissed Katie’s stick-figure body and Tom, […]
Spartacus: Blood and Sands – Warrior’s Dedication
by prescottorama on November 22, 2011 in TV
Hello Geekdom, I would like to share that STARZ channel will soon air the greatest show that made one man, Andy Whitfield, into a true Gladiator. He stars as Spartacus, a man who became a slave, a slave who became a gladiator, a gladiator who became a hero to all for freedom. You can catch […]
Game of Thrones: Tyrion, the Beloved
by jokway on August 13, 2011 in TV
There are many characters in the show… so much that sometimes, it’s very hard to follow. Here is a video that shows why everyone seems to love the good bad-guy, Tyrion Lannister: [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxLOXUGmRKI&w=560&h=349]
Top 10: Kills in Game of Thrones, Season 1 [SPOILER] [EXPLICIT]
by jokway on August 11, 2011 in Top 10, TV
I’ve complied a list of my Top 10 kills in the first season of Game of Thrones. Do you agree with my list? Comment below! [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqeSp9UIu9c&w=560&h=349]
Game of Thrones VFX Reel from Blue Bolt (Spoiler)
by Deckard on August 4, 2011 in TV
If you didn’t complete the first season of Game of Thrones yet and are planning to, you should leave this page right now. If you are interested in behind-the-scenes stuff and CGI wizardry in filmmaking, check out this VFX reel by Blue Bolt for the first season of HBO’s Game of Thrones. Season 2 of […]
The Greatest American Hero – TV theme song
by Deckard on August 1, 2011 in Music, TV
Believe or not, it was not Batman, Superman or Spider-Man that introduced me to superheroes, it was probably this 80’s TV show. To a young me, the flying, fighting, and storyline was interesting enough. Connie Sellecca was hot too, introduced me to puberty. I always see William Katt and cast at New York Comic-Con and […]
Firefly “Unofficial” Trailer
by Deckard on July 31, 2011 in TV
This is a cool trailer for the awesome TV series “Firefly” and movie “Serenity.” If you haven’t seen this kick-ass space western TV Series, netflix it now. I believe it is only 14 episodes and a final feature film, Serenity.